Sunday, August 16, 2009

Robert is an independent news paper vendor. He is also homeless. He sold each paper for 1.00$. I bought one and also donated to the the cause. The papers are written and published by the homeless community in Columbus OH. Robert recently won vendor of the month. It didn't surprise me. He was kind, smart and easy going. He explained that the 1.00$ that I spent for the paper will be used to support himself, but that the donations will be used to support the publication of the paper. Robert shared that he used to write poetry and short stories. I encouraged him to continue. He said that he is going to write an article that he hopes will change the negative perception of homeless people in his community and around the country. He was one of the most gentle people I've ever met. Robert is just one in a 1000 beautiful things!!


  1. What a beautiful way to remind us all of the beauty with everyone and everything...Amazing imagery (beyond the photos also!)

  2. Thank you for having the eyes to see, and taking the time...
    As a Sufi, I know that we can't thank Allah without thanking His creation....
